Are you wondering what website analytics is? Web analytics is the way by which we collect and analyse the data of our website, Covering everything from what our visitors do. That is where our customers come and what they like about you and your business and a lot more. When you use website analytics. Then steer your website in the correct direction. BMDU is giving you this service of web analytics. If you want to collect data about the way people interact with your website. You can also search the pages users spend the most time on.
If you’re new with website analytics. Then you will find it is very tricky. You will find that overwhelming as figuring out what to do with it. The matrix measures how long the users are spending time on your website.
There are many metrics you can track using an analytics tool. However, use these great strategies to work on. Let’s begin with the general visitor number.
When someone talks about the web traffic. It means how much traffic (crowd) you are receiving onto your website. This tells what a significant number of the public you are gathering. Because it tells you how many people ‘s attention you are getting. For example - suppose that you are receiving 50 visitors on your website per day. Which is not that much good , BMDU helps you to increase the crowd of audience to your site. Which is really important to grow your brand and business. BMDU is the best and trustable agency providing you with the opportunity to grow your business and sales and leads also. If your website grows older and not earning the trust. Then this is a must for you to earn trust in the market. We are using Best SEO Strategy and Planings (Search Engine Optimization) also to rank your site and to attend to the huge customers.
When someone visits your website and leaves it without interacting with you. It’s called the Bounce rate. Means that customers are not engaging in your website. If you want to know and measure the overall traffic and bounce rate. Then there are various ways to do this. We are listing the things you should care about to reduce the bounce rate of your website.
BMDU can help you resolve each of the drawbacks your site contains. An average said that the average bounce rates are just because of all the three reasons mentioned above. However the bounce rate highly depends upon the content of your site also. That’s why it is recommended to use only valuable text and not use any kinds of false and bad information in your content.
This is seen in most of the cases that the first time the visitor gets the link to your website. And this is more convenient than typing the URL manually. So this has been cleared that you can get the traffic more easily by the published links for your business. We have broken this into four categories to make this easy to understand.
1. Search Engines recognition.
2. Links your site with other website.
3. Run a Email Campaigns.
4. Link from the social media.
You can build up all the four sources effectively with BMDU. Because we are well known in the field of Digital Marketing. But your primary focus should be search engines. Because search engines play a crucial role in bringing massive traffic. This is also important to rank your site on the search engines. And it tends to be easier to get the links from other sites. And one more benefit of ranking your site on the top. After ranking your site on the first page earns a reputable source. And if still you are not getting the traffic onto your site then you need to revise the keyword strategy.
You will get surprised when you get to know that mobile traffic is fully adopted by many web users. It overlooked the regular desktop traffic a while ago. Which means it’s essential for your website to be mobile friendly and a strong mobile experience. BMDU helps you to make your website responsive and mobile friendly. And we recommend that you should always try to make your website mobile friendly. This short time adaptation of mobile approach to web design will pay you in return in the long term.
Ideally, you might want people to keep in touch with you or if they leave your site then they return again and again. So this is the mindset of an owner but stop for a while and think from the side of your core audience. Different people have different ideas about what constitutes a decent returning user rate. But we say that if you are recurring the 30% traffic so that is also pretty good. However if it is below 20% so this could be a signal that your website is poorly presented and not engaging. And your content strategy is also looking for an update.
BMDU is a trustable partner who always tries to grow your business. And well known for our best ever services. We are hoping to see you with us. We can do all the things mentioned above to make your business a brand.
Web analytics application together the measurement, collection, analysis and presentation of your business data from the internet. In order to understand your site performance and optimize website elements in website optimization and digital marketing.
Goals are the essential component of marketing strategy. Goals help you to set direction for your needs for your product / service to do well in the market. It makes you Limited with your aims, Appreciable and hit the compilation wall of your goal, Create goals collaboratively.
Segments in google analytics group sites visitors share common characteristics. You can measure traffic, types of traffic, Efficient manner, Location searches. It filters (add / remove) and your underlying data will not affect your site.
Finding keywords is a head blow job but not when you properly understand your business. Go to the Google Trends and click on the search button. Include your new keywords into your content marketing plans and action.
There are so many ways to organize your financial account. Using a pen and paper system is not preferred anymore instead of Excel spreadsheet.
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